One of a series of Winnie the Pooh-inspired swine flu parodies doing the rounds. (Source: The Daily What)
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Linda Grigg writes: "Does anyone else think it ironic, ignorant or just plain arrogant that Ribena, recently outed for lying to its customers for years about the true vitamin C content of its drink, has an ad on TV where a boy and his pet dog conspire to cover up a spillage misdemeanour, ie to lie?"
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A primary school has caused an uproar by asking students to come to school dressed as a disabled person as part of a fundraiser. Ramco Primary School in South Australia wrote in a newsletter that it would hold a "disability day" fundraiser. The aim of the dress-up is to raise money for a clinic in Bangladesh that repairs cleft lips and palates in children. Its newsletter stated: "There will be prizes for the best students dressed as a person with a disability. Get your thinking hats on and see what disability you can represent." (Source:
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Mike explains how to get out of the Berkeley carpark after 8 on a Friday night when you've been overcharged.
* Press help, get told to drive to gate and press help.
* Get answerphone. Leave a message?
* Drive back to pay machine, press help.
* Get engaged tone.
* Try all other machines, get engaged tones.
* Make cellphone call to council, wait on hold.
* Talk to operator, get told barrier arm is up.
* Tell operator that: "I am 30m away and the barrier most definitely isn't up."
* Get told to drive to barrier and press help button again.
* Wait on hold for the next available operator.
* Barrier opens.
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Andrew writes: "Could you please use your column to educate people that, outside of the hours that specify the transit lane is only for buses and cars with a certain number of passengers, anyone can drive along it. Outside of peak hours, it's just a normal lane. I witness road rage on a daily basis involving drivers on Constellation Drive who insist on merging when the road turns green, or who try and turn left from the right-hand lane."
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Cathy Giddens writes regarding the underage checkout operators who require a supervisor to give the okay to any customers buying alcohol, "This happened to me at the express queue last Saturday - in fact it happened to three people in front of me who were all buying wine or beer. Each time the supervisor had to come from a busy service counter. It certainly made the express lane anything but. Maybe they could have an alcohol queue instead, with an adult checkout operator?"
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See today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Video Webpick: Best pest control ad ever. click here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.