Sign on the footpath at Nightcliff in Darwin, snapped by Sined.
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Strange suing: 1) Yale University student Jesse Maiman, 21, filed a lawsuit against US Airways last month because someone stole the Xbox console from his suitcase and he now wants US$1 million compensation. 2) In New York City, the subway system barred the oversized "assistance dog" of Estelle Stamm, 65, and she filed a lawsuit for US$10 million. 3) And in California, Lonnell Worthy's lawsuit against Bank of America values his now-ruined iPod playlist at US$1 trillion. (Source: News of the Weird)
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A Dorset woman glued her eye shut after she mistook a bottle of nail glue for eyedrops. Paula Griffin, 29, woke with blurred vision and mistakenly squirted the glue into her right eye, gluing it shut for eight hours. She said it was agonising and burning so she shut her eye when her eyelashes became stuck together. Doctors cut her eyelashes and gave her paraffin to help dissolve the glue. She has a cut across her eyeball and now wears false eyelashes.
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In response to the anti-smoking ad scaring children into thinking their parents will die immediately if they smoke, the same applies to drinking, says a reader. "When my now 16-year-old brother was 4, he saw my Dad open a bottle of Coke and take a slurp of it while driving. He started screaming. Once we managed to calm him down, he said: "Don't drink and drive, Dad!"
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Joe writes: "I was wondering if Dale Dobbs could tell us why David Lange would be trying to smell uranium on the breath of children at Wentworth College? I'm a little confused, as particle colliders are not powered by uranium. But if Mr Dobbs was to visit many hospitals, factories or various types of testing laboratories then I'm sure
they will be happy to let him smell the uranium (or plutonium, if he prefers) to clear out the sinuses before he goes to work in the morning."
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Last week we published an amusing story about a Tongan family of diners mistaking decorative lobsters for real ones. The story appears to be a stirrer's idea of an April Fool's joke. An alarmed Herman Zwaagman, owner of Valentines North Shore, mentioned in the snippet, says they do not use lobster or crayfish for decoration and lobster has not been on their menu for at least 10 years. Sideswipe apologises.
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See today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Video Webpick: A clever Mini Clubman viral, within a viral. click here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.