Harold, mascot for the Life Education Trust, which tours schools educating children about health issues, seems to be sending the wrong message in this, its latest brochure.
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Andy Walker says: "File this under irony. I just heard a soundbite from Michael Laws stating that the addition of an 'h' to Wanganui was racist. However, because he's picked up the common mispronunciation of the word he said "rashist". If he goes about adding h's to other words he hasn't got a leg to stand on in my opinion."
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A reader writes: "Since Michael Laws felt compelled to point out on Campbell Live that he was using the 'correct quote' when he spoke of 'one foul swoop' in his ridiculous comments against the Geographic Board's decision, I take great delight in pointing out the actual quote from Macbeth is, in fact: 'All my pretty ones? Did you say all? O hell-kite! All? What, all my pretty chickens and their dam. At one fell swoop?' Perhaps now he'll argue that Shakespeare was wrong, and that his usage is more "correct" in this case, as well?"
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Hair straighteners have been introduced to three schools in West Dunbartonshire to encourage more girls to take part in physical education. The local council bought them after teenage girls said they worried about "bad hair" after sports classes. Nine sets of straighteners have been installed in the female changing areas of three new "flagship" schools in the area at a cost of about £800 ($1835). The move is part of efforts to improve PE facilities. (Source: BBC.co.uk)
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Making small talk: "With regards to talking about jobs, I like to ask 'Apart from your job, what do you do?' as finding out someone works as an accountant or plumber is a pretty much a dead end in terms of conversation," writes this reader. "A bloke recently replied he was training for search and rescue, and people's hobbies are usually much more interesting and fertile conversation starters than what profession they're in. Plus it gets away from talking shop' and allows people to show their wider character."
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Mother bites back #1:
A reader writes: "Okay, I'll stop posting occasional updates about my toddler's development [which is of genuine interest to certain other friends and family members, also on Facebook], if other Facebookers - childless, as it happens - agree to cease their likewise less-than-riveting posts about what they had for lunch today and how yummy it was [do I care? does anyone?], or how glad they are that it's Friday/sad that it's Monday [ditto]."
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View today's Herald cartoon
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<i>Sideswipe:</i> No smoking or bombs please

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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