Music for families, pirates and David Strassman fans.
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To the driver of a silver car on SH1 heading to Auckland on Sunday who allowed a child to hang their head out the window for several kilometres - clearly not belted in - to spray the following cars with vomit. Was the trip so important that you could not stop to attend to the child? And what if you had to brake suddenly?
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Pretty Woman was based on a script by J.F. Lawton called 3000 (the amount of money for a week's worth of the hooker's company). When Disney bought the script, they decided 3000 sounded too much like science fiction so a new title was chosen - one that luckily let the producers use Roy Orbison's tune. (Source: Mental
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I'm all for positive spin during these recessionary times, but job website is still using "A new job every two minutes". The asterisk points to what they coyly refer to as the legal bit and says they are using figures from July 2007 to June 2008. Surely it's time accounts talked with marketing and gave us a more realistic picture of the job market?
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A reader writes: Four years ago my kids started BNZ accounts. At 12 and 10, they each wanted a pig. Sadly, the pig situation was dire and the bank was out of them. Over the years since, my daughter has asked at many BNZ banks for her pig and has been turned down at every one, until this weekend. Great news! The BNZ at Horse of the Year oinked up! I imagine they were a little bemused by a 16-year-old desperately wanting a pig and her ecstatic response when they said yes.
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Air NZ flight braking for the bunny ... One reader suggests it was more likely the pilot was avoiding sucking the rabbit into an engine and causing tens of thousands of dollars of damage. Another reader bet the bloke who complained had already unfastened his seat belt for a quick getaway. As the pilot spared the bunny's life, he possibly saved human lives too. Objects on a runway can cause damage to other planes. Remember the bird strike downing the plane in the Hudson River?
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Just wanted to shed some light on the power box in Botany, says a local. There is usually a stage where that box is. It provides power so bands can play with amplified instruments. It does look a bit strange if you don't know that though!
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See today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Webpick: Sasha Baron Cohen in character as Bruno, talks to a gay-converting pastor. (NSFW). Click here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.