Karen Davey noticed this Porsche (pictured) has something odd in the passenger seat. "As we got closer we realised that money can buy you almost everything ... except maybe comfort, style and a boot!" she says.
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A Twitter campaign has highlighted some of the weird and wonderful headlines from local newspapers around Britain.
* Nuns in fight against strippers
* 'Smug' swans attack dalmatian
* Bed delivered - up ladder
* St Ives Boy Eats Eclairs with PM
* Man stole tortoise to pay for booze
* I didn't know guinea pigs could swim
* Oven removed from home
* Yawning almost killed man
* Across Europe dressed as chickens
* Hunt for Worthing 'poo thief'
(Source: Telegraph.co.uk)
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A renter from Mt Albert also laments how property management companies fleece tenants: "We had to pay $450 to professionally clean the carpets even though they were old and stuck down with gaffer tape in parts, and were presented with a year's worth of water bills after we'd moved out.
You are on the back foot as renters; you agree to pay all water charges (waste water and metered water) and the professional carpet cleaners, because if you don't, the property will be given to the next in line who are less likely to know their rights."
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Dave writes: "A pint is a unit of measure, not just a name to be arbitrarily used as bars see fit. To call a glass of beer a pint, when it is not, is surely an offence under the Fair Trading Act 1986 - 'No person shall in trade engage in conduct that is liable to mislead the public as to the ... quantity of goods'.
The complaint against the Cock & Bull is not just that it is serving beer in a glass that is not a full pint, but that it trades as an English-style pub and has served beer in full pint glasses up to now."
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A reader declares: "I say nil points to the rude man who spoke over Buzz Aldrin last Saturday morning. I was sitting closer to the child than the shouter and wasn't bothered by the minor grizzling, but having someone else's voice interrupt the great man? That was a distraction."
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Elizabeth Whiting, the costume designer for The NBR New Zealand Opera's production of The Marriage of Figaro, is taking recycling to a new level by converting hundreds of pairs of 21st century jeans into period costumes from the 1780s. She needs more though (about 200 pairs) so if you fancy your old jeans being transformed into public works of art, phone (09) 379 4020.
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Today's Webpick: Chat Roulette Piano Impro - how the site that links strangers via webcam, can really work. Go here.
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