Is this a typical West Auckland scene? A reader has phoned in to say that he was driving down his street in Glen Eden when he saw a young man holding up a bag of cannabis in one hand and a sign with "Ounce for sale" in the other. Talk about brazen.
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Notice on a Turangi supermarket ads board: "Wanted, about 100 tennis balls, new or used. Please send immediately to D. Benson-Pope. Address: Parliament Buildings, Wellington."
But it is too late now.
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A reader has written in to thank someone called Kathy who found her wallet on Friday afternoon. "This person found my wallet and then handed it in to Video Ezy in Pt Chevalier, with everything inside it, and took the time to ring and let me know. After reading the article [in the Weekend Herald] about whether Aucklanders are honest or not I can tell you that this particular person is, and thank-you once again to her."
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First came the world's largest ketchup bottle. Now Collinsville, Illinois, is after the record for the world's largest ketchup packet. AP reports that Collinsville has joined the H.J. Heinz Co to fill a 2.4m-tall, 1.2m-wide plastic pouch with 680kg of the tomato goop for a school fundraiser. "That's a lot of ketchup," said Tracey Parsons, a Heinz spokeswoman. The company donated 4000 glass bottles of the condiment for people to buy for US$1 and pour into the packet. Proceeds will go to the Collinsville Christian Academy, which was damaged by a fire last week. Hundreds in the city, home to a 52m-tall water tower shaped like a condiment bottle and touted as the "World's Largest Catsup Bottle", showed up on Saturday to participate in the ketchup filling and other fundraising activities. The feat is being submitted to Guinness World Records. The giant packet will be sealed and kept in Collinsville, once home to a ketchup factory, for a few days before being taken to the Pittsburgh-based company's headquarters.