A politely worded sign affixed to a cash register. (Source:
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A report in Britain's Bolton News says the House of Lords has spent time discussing the need to reduce the thickness of slices of bread, which Baroness Gardener of Parkes suggested would help alleviate Britons' alarming levels of obesity. (Source:
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A landlord in Australia has been labelled heartless after he took a woman to court to get $600 from her father who broke the lease - by dying. Landlord Antony Lee said of taking the case to a tribunal: "A tenant has died. Is that my problem?" The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal upheld Mr Lee's claim for almost one month's rent, to be paid from the estate of the tenant, who died from a heart attack with eight months to run on his 12-month lease. The law holds relatives liable for a landlord's lost rent, but this case has sparked a call for a law change. (Source: Herald Sun)
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Where there's a celebrity death, there's potential for profit: hours after Heath Ledger's death hit the headlines a branch of United States retailer Best Buy made a makeshift tribute shelf flanked by a collection of his DVDs. According to a "A small sign, created by the company's finest 1998-era laser printer, informs its customers that they should 'Remember a Great Actor Through Great Performances', tastefully suggesting that customers - who may not have even been aware of his passing - grieve the only way they know how: by reliving the romantic hijinx that is 10 Things I Hate About You." New Zealand's own Sky Movies swiftly scheduled Brokeback Mountain for the weekend and, of course, the amount of Ledger memorabilia tripled on eBay.