Nobody was more surprised than me to see a swastika symbol in my feijoa, writes Dan. "I considered placing it on Trade Me, but gave into temptation and ate it. It tasted pretty good."
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If the Airbus A380, which recently made its inaugural flight to London, is being sold as the aircraft of the future, why has the plane been constructed with built-in ashtrays - and redundant, always illuminated no-smoking signs? asks a Telegraph journalist in his story on the airliner. The ashtrays, explains a Singapore Airlines spokesperson, are still - bizarrely - mandatory under one of the regulations of America's Federal Aviation Authority. (Source: Telegraph)
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Niche marketing jumps the shark: Game Suppli are vitamin supplements specifically formulated to improve a video game player's prowess. There are two varieties, one designed for long play with blueberry to improve eye stamina and one for improved concentration with DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid.
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Best excuse for dangerous driving: US police officers who pulled a motorist over for erratic driving were surprised to find his passenger was a 2m alligator. William Johnson, 30, claimed he had found the alligator by the side of the road. The reptile was released into a national wildlife refuge and Johnson was charged with illegal possession of an alligator. He was also found to be in possession of stolen goods. (Source:
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A reader recently moved house and got stung: "Removal company advised me they had a cleaning service that went with their removal service. They told me they charged $30 an hour for cleaning. I subsequently booked them for 1 hour. Hellooooo, the bill came in at 1 hour clean $30, cleaning products $12, callout $73.10. Total bill for 1 hour clean? $115.10.
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Sounds more like a new entrants' class at a primary school: A company called Veterinary Pet Insurance in California recently analysed its 450,000 insured clients and came up with lists of the top 10 dog names. According to VPI, the top 10 male dog names, starting with number one, are Max, Buddy, Rocky, Bailey, Jake, Charlie, Jack, Toby, Cody and Buster. The top 10 female dog names are Bella, Molly, Lucy, Maggie, Daisy, Sophie, Sadie, Chloe, Bailey and Lola. (Source:
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My wife and I thought this sign at a local Lollipops Playland in Tauranga was quite indecent, writes a reader.
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David Orr writes: "I wonder if Kevin from Papakura has ever read the guidelines for what goes in the green recycling bins? They are for plastic, glass and aluminium/steel cans, not paper and cardboard. The paper is collected by a different truck. Probably what happens when he puts his papers in a bag is that the guys who empty the green bins take the bags out and put them on the ground, and the paper collectors come along later and pick them up. If he puts the paper loose in the bin, what are the guys supposed to do? They can't just leave it in a pile next to the kerb so it all blows away. Give them some credit, and don't blame the council - they just contract the work out."
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Today's Webpick: A featherless cockatoo who does an excellent Mick Jagger impression. Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.