The copy alongside this airbrushed picture of a new Bayleys agent reads: "After travelling the world in a high profile, intensely exciting industry, I knew when something grabbed my attention enough to stop me in my tracks and say WOW! That something is Nelson. Hi, I'm Tommy Sims, and after reaching the top as a celebrity stage performers' hair and make-up artist, as exciting as it was, I wanted something more. For me that's become real estate. I can blend my enjoyment of buying and selling homes with the pleasure I get from helping people like you."
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Julia Moors writes: I'm 59 years old and was asked for ID when I wanted to buy some fireworks at K Mart, Albany. I thought the checkout girl was joking, but she insisted that they were instructed from the manager to ask everybody for ID. I showed her my grey hair roots.
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Garry Owen offers a few other words misused, particularly by advertisers. Statements such as, "The pure-ist water in the world," which often appears on our TV. Pure is absolute. It is either pure or it is not pure. This also applies to sterile or not sterile, perfect or not perfect. Also seen on many occasions are self-employed tradesmen who are "SPECIALISTS" in four or five different disciplines. You can specialise in a group, say such as "building alterations", but you can not "specialise" in all of the activities that make up that group.
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A woman created seven bogus children, claiming to have had them all in just 18 months, as she falsely collected more than £40,000 ($53,000) in benefits. Victoria Young, 25, claimed to have had quads Kier, Kie, Kyla and Conrad on January 30, 2005. These were followed by a fifth child, Kacey, eight months later on September 21 and within a week of that Kelsey was born. She later rang the tax credit helpline asking for cash to help with childcare and other costs to look after baby number seven, Jake, who she claimed had been born 10 months later. But when investigators went looking for her huge family they found just one boy at her home, and he wasn't one of the seven. (Source: Manchester Evening News)