This photograph shows the flooding on Portland Rd, Remuera, exactly one week after the first of many calls by resident Gordon Cuthbert to Auckland City to request some action. "They have suggested, following a drive-past inspection, that the cause is tidal," says Mr Cuthbert. "But Metrowater has confirmed that the cause is blocked catchpits but, no, it is not Metrowater's responsibility to fix it. Come on, council, tell your contractors to leave their warm truck cabs, put on their gumboots and take a closer look!"
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A reader who used to be part of Angelcare, a group who looked after people who had overindulged at dance parties, has this to say about offering only bottled water at the recent Deep Hard and Funky dance party. "We were mostly looking after people who were badly dehydrated ... Many of the clubs and venues charged $5 or more for a 400ml bottle of water and kept intensely hot water running in the bathrooms to avoid free refills. It took massive effort on our part to get the bar managers to give a dehydrated person a glass of water, or to make cold water available. This practice is still happening and I can't believe that venues are not being taken to task over this."
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Dylan Reeve says the Christchurch licensing authority says premises are required to have a Host Responsibility Policy, which includes that free water be available. "If someone has been drinking on your premises and wishes to slow their drinking down to offset the onset of intoxication by drinking water, this should be encouraged. I have no issue with the sale of bottled water but if a customer asks for a glass of tap water, it should be provided." Surely it's the same in Auckland?
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Gordon writes: "Reading about prices paid for bottled water reminds me [painfully] of back in 2002 when my wife and I were aboard the Destiny on a Caribbean cruise. My wife bought a 300ml bottle of water from one of the bars. It wasn't until we were leaving and settling our account we saw she had been charged US$11.50. What made it worse was that our dollar was worth only US42c, which made the cost of one 300ml bottle about the $26. Must be some sort of record."
Today's Webpick: Watch as Angela talks you through the history of the submachine gun she's firing, while wearing her bikini. Watch it here. Scroll down.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.