Jim Air saw this car with an "I love my wife" sticker and a learner driver L card beside it outside the Glenfield Leisure Centre and wonders if the driver is trying to say something.
Italian scientists have developed a pill that expands in the stomach to make dieters feel as though they've eaten a bowl of spaghetti. The pill is made from a cellulose hydrogel, which the team developed when trying to make more absorbent nappy linings. When swallowed with a glass of water, the pill expands to a jelly-like ball in the stomach and stifles hunger pangs for a few hours. (Source: BBC News)
Things that make you go "eww": On Friday, Michael Hurst was going to the theatre with a friend and had to park in the bottom level of the brightly lit and very full Aotea car park. "As we were walking towards the stairwell, we saw three young men wearing tuxedos heading in the same direction. 'School ball' said my friend. 'How civilised' I replied before one of these bright young things began to urinate against the wall next to the exit door. I couldn't believe it! In disgust, I yelled at him to find a toilet. He and his mates seemed to be completely oblivious to the situation as other people walked by, pretending not to notice. Unbelievable! I have no idea which school was having its social function at the Aotea Centre that night, but be aware that at least three of your senior male students have entirely failed in social hygiene and decency."
According to, 3.2 million American viewers tuned in to CNN for Larry King's post-jail interview with Parasite Hilton. This was King's highest-rating show since 2005, but those who are tearing their hair out over Hilton's continuing newsworthiness will be comforted by the fact that three times more people watched the reality TV show So You Think You Can Dance? on the same night.
Murray Hunter of Ellerslie says he used to get annoyed trying to get through to a real person at call centres. Then he worked out if he selects a department that involves selling something, a real person comes on the line quick smart and transfers him to another real person who can help.
Q: WHAT is Guerrilla Gardening?
A: It is political gardening, which involves the illicit cultivation of a neglected public space. Activists take over an abandoned piece of land which they do not own, and grow crops or plants. Guerrilla gardeners believe in reclaiming neglected or misused land and giving it a new purpose. Some guerrilla gardeners carry out their actions at night, in relative secrecy, to sow and tend a new vegetable patch or flower garden. Others work more openly, seeking to engage with members of the local community. (Source: