Sign spotted at Lloyd Elsmore Park swimming pool. "Enough to make you reconsider the real need to go," writes a reader.
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Bureaucracy gone mad: "During the 2008 A1GP I was a pit lane marshal," writes a reader. "I heard a complaint from one of the crews about a woman who was not allowed to bring baby food in by security who were enforcing a 'no food and drink policy'. What were they expecting her to feed the baby - hotdog and chips?"
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Lorraine Ramsay of Westmere writes: "My elderly husband was told off when he tried to take a picture of our little grandson at Storytime at the Mt Albert Library on Saturday. Is this a Storytime thing? Or a library premises thing? Or an Auckland City Council premises thing?"
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More stupid job interview questions:
1. "MBA? Is that like a BA only higher?"
2. Sarah sat a personality test for a job and was asked: "Do you prefer tall women?" Being a short female myself I answered with an exclamation mark (and got the job)."
3. "I went to an interview in London where the headmistress was keen to employ me because the last New Zealand teacher had been such a success. I was less keen to take the job when she told me this New Zealander was from Tasmania."
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Thousands of camels in Australia will be shot from helicopters and turned into burgers to stop them barging into people's homes and ripping up their bathrooms looking for water, reports Sky Tony Peacock, chief executive of the University of Canberra's Invasive Animals Co-operative Research Center, said: "To be shot from a helicopter is actually quite humane, even though that sounds brutal. If I was a camel, I'd prefer to just get it in the head."
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A reader writes: "I too watched the Big Night In Telethon and noticed the high level of commercialism. It seems a little naive to assume that it could be done any other way. In spite of the commercialism, I was glad to see the spirit of a NZ Telethon emerge again."
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Who's the real winner of the Telethon? The company who will be getting a $2 million contract to supply shoes and jackets to schools. Ka-ching!" writes a reader.
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View today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Webpick:A great parody of 80s rock with excellent authentic props. Do you remember the cousin of the Rubik's Cube, the Snake? Go here.