Who knew that the Slovakian capital Bratislava and Auckland had so much in common? A lovely city packed with cafes and restaurants, an integrated public transport system that will get you anywhere in minutes, and a catchy slogan to lure tourists? Well, two out of three isn't bad...
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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has threatened to shut down Globovision, the last remaining channel in the country that dares to criticise him. He says he's upset the station broadcast news, accurately, of an earthquake before the government announced it. (Source: reason.com)
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Andrew writes: "My younger brother once told a caller that mum couldn't come to the phone as she was in the shower. No, dad can't either as he is also in the shower," he added. My embarrassed mother phoned the friend back to explain that we have two showers."
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Graeme of Papatoetoe writes: "The nice local elderly couple regularly have neighbours over for lunches beside their impressive swimming pool and water ponds. One day, while the elderly woman was bemoaning local birdlife attacking and eating their fish in the ponds, and without thinking it through... she blurted out 'And do you know, we had a shag in the pool the other day'."
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Sue Young is reminded of the time she took Katie, her then pre-school granddaughter, out to a cafe in Russell. "In a loud voice she declared 'my dad's got no nuts' - in reference to the fact that her brother had been identified as having a nut allergy and all nuts had been banned from their house."
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YouTube's most-watched video lists are full of viral hits and popular music videos, but most videos uploaded to Google are hardly watched by anyone. Some 53 per cent of YouTube's videos have fewer than 500 views, says TubeMogul and just 0.33 per cent have more than a million views. It highlights some of the struggles Google could have selling ads around all those unpopular videos. (Source: The Business Insider)
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Regarding the reader who was fined $150 for tooting his horn at a driver preoccupied with texting, Lou Girardin of Birkdale writes: "Using it [a horn] to waken/warn someone that the lights have changed is the entire point of having a warning device. Don't lie down and take this from the revenue men, defend it."
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A Papakura reader suggests the Clendon Barber Shop captures the moment nicely in an advertisement by offering attention for flat tops and mohawks, but best of all: "Or come in for a good clip around the ears."
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See today's Herald cartoon
Today's Video Webpick: The latest internet celebrity, Clare Werbeloff, was a witness to a shooting in Kings Cross, Sydney and she shares her blunt account with a delighted Channel Nine News. Click here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.