The meat tie worn by dry-as-a-bone Nightline reporter Ali Ikram as a tribute to Lady Gaga. Made by Phil at Ross's Super Meats in Mt Eden.
Tow bad
Further evidence of customer service in the towing industry, says Bill. "Our friend Sylvia parked at Mercury Plaza last week and noticed the tow-truck driver marking tyres. She asked where to pay and said she was intending to be there for 20 minutes. The towie said: "It's all right, love, the first hour is free." Twenty minutes later when she returned, her car was gone and a shopkeeper told her that she was towed just 5 minutes after she left! Her plea for mercy fell on deaf ears and $250 later Sylvia had her car back. Shame on Auckland Towing, Mercury Plaza and Auckland City Council!"
Politicians' junkmail offences
Politicians Len Brown and Glenda Fryer ignore the "No Junk Mail" sign on Des' letterbox. "I emailed both letting them know I don't want it. Glenda responded, 'As you probably know the "no junk mail" deliveries do not apply to letterboxes for election material under the Auckland City bylaws. So no offenses has [sic] occurred under the bylaw.' There sure were some spelling and grammar offences ..."
Tabloids have fun with puns
The British papers had fun with puns in their headlines after pop star Lady Gaga appeared at the MTV Awards in a dress made of (fake) meat.
"Gaga looks offal" - Sun
"Meat is madder" - Guardian
"Gaga looks like a dog's dinner" - Daily Mirror
"Lady Gaga raises the fashion steaks - and makes mincemeat of everyone else" - Times
Girl Scouts conspiracy
Hans Zeiger, a Republican candidate for Washington state's House of Representatives, is concerned about the agenda of the Girl Scouts, reports the San Francisco Chronicle: "One might wonder why the Girl Scouts have been spared the painful attacks that have been launched upon the Boy Scouts by the Left ... The reasons are simple: the Girl Scouts allow homosexuals and atheists to join their ranks, and they have become a pro-abortion, feminist training corps."
<i>Sideswipe:</i> Lamb-flap Gaga tribute
Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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