The buzzwords of 2009 (Highlights from the New York Times, Week In Review)
Aporkalypse: Undue worry in response to swine flu. Includes removing non-essential kisses from Mexican telenovelas and slaughter of pigs in Egypt.
Drive like a Cullen: To drive like a bat out of hell, like a member of the Cullen family in the Twilight vampire books by Stephenie Meyer.
Gay-marry: To marry someone of the same sex. Also used hyperbolically to mean to form an unconventional relationship, as in, "I love my new cellphone so much I want to gay-marry it".
Great Recession: A reference to the economic downturn. Used several times for every recession since 1980, but never with such vigour as now.
Green shoots: Signs of an economic recovery or of a company's financial turnaround.
Meep: An exclamation used disruptively by young people. From Beaker of The Muppet Show.
Warmist: Someone who believes that the earth is jeopardised by becoming warmer.
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Almost 50,000 Brits have officially changed their name in 2009 - and not always for the better. The UK Deed Poll Service says twice as many people are switching names as five years ago and while many are women reverting to their maiden name after a divorce, some are more frivolous - wanting to signal allegiance to football clubs, or Elvis Presley fans or for general self promotion. These are the strangest:
Ava Payne (44) to Ava Truly Scrumptious: A personal stylist who was fed up with her name of Payne. During childhood, she was always called Ava "Payne-in-the-neck".
Adam Osen (50) to None of the Above: A prospective MP who intends standing at the election next year. He feels that someone should take a stand and listen to what the people want.
Mark Pinion (21) to Dolph Ziggler: A sales consultant whose colleagues love his new name. He was out on a Friday night and came up with the name Dolph. He has a friend called Wrigger and came up with Ziggler.
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Top questions of 2009 on
1. How much should I weigh?
2. How do I get out of debt fast?
3. How do I get pregnant?
4. What is Twitter?
5. What is Miley Cyrus' phone number?
6. What is the meaning of life?
7. When will the world end?
8. How long does marijuana stay in your system?
9. What are the symptoms of Swine Flu?
10. What time is it?
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View today's Herald cartoon
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<i>Sideswipe:</i> Journos work hard, drink hard
We know journos like a tipple but this is ridiculous.

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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