Ryder Booth (left) and Aston Coyle, both 5 months, get into the spirit of sharing on their first Christmas.
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Credit crunch has been dubbed the Word of the Year by readers of local blog site Public Address System - but what on earth does "rofflenui" mean? In a list dominated by world news, "credit crunch" was followed by "change" - and then "rofflenui", a word created by Public Address users. Like the 2007 Word of the Year, Te Qaeda, "rofflenui" is a blend of two words. "It derives from rofl - an internet acronym for roll on floor laughing," says Public Address founder Russell Brown. "So you add the nui and you're literally laughing big-time." The Top 10 also reflected the big impact of the US presidential election on blog readers - with "Obamarama", "hockey mom" and "maverick" making the cut. While local political catchphrases such as "slippery" and "Labour lite" made the finalists' list, they didn't make the top 10. It seems we were more interested in the US election than our own. The closest contender was "No", which, like Winston Peters, who fatefully brandished it, was just a few votes short of glory, says Brown. The global financial crisis clearly had a big impact on the list - with "bailout", "meltdown" and "crisis" also featuring in the top 10. (Source:
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Scrooge: A firm of North Shore dentists apparently takes the staff out to Christmas lunch and then docks their pay for the time off. Bah, humbug!
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After SideSwipe mentioned Pipsqueaks stocked a poker set, Stephanie points to another adult offering from the kids-toys catalogue. "Last week, I wonder if you saw in the catalogue they are selling BB guns from $8 and 1000 pellets for $3 as well as BB assault rifles. It does say that the buyer must be 18 and over. However, you may be interested to mention it, because how do they prove the buyers are 18 if they order online, and is it really meant to be in toy catalogue?"
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Kerry Smith's argument that denying people entry to a club or bar because of their gender was a human rights violation fell on deaf ears. "If we are going to take a doorman to the Human Rights Commission for not letting a male into the bar then should we not take prospective employers to the commission every time we are unsuccessful in a job interview?" wonders Gareth. "After all, job interviews are just a process of discrimination based on your skills compared to the other applicants ... While we're at it, why don't we take the woman at the bar who didn't take you home with her to the commission as well, because she was discriminating against your looks? Grow up and get over this PC crap."
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Bars can refuse you entry or service because they don't like your shirt, your shoes, or your attitude," says Vanessa. "Most will overlook the shirt and shoes if your attitude is happy, words aren't being slurred, and you can make eye contact. Who out there would really want to be standing out on a street trying to be the parent of drunken, idiotic, morons? Maybe over the festive season show some support to the guys (and gals) stuck outside not drinking. They too are only human and have bosses and laws telling them what they can and can't do."
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Today's Webpick: Zainabs Shoes: Iraqs number one discount footwear emporium. A great parody ad inspired by the journalist who hurled both his shoes at George Bush during a press conference. Watch them here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.