A group of doctors have sparked controversy in Australia by performing in the blackface Jackson Jive skit on the Hey, Hey It's Saturday variety show. American guest judge Harry Connick jnr says that had he known about the act he wouldn't have appeared on the show: "We've spent so much time trying to not make black people look like buffoons, that when we see something like that we really take it to heart."
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This is Andrea's recent 018 experience.
Operator: Welcome to 018, how can I help you?
Andrea: Can you please give me the 0800 phone number for Weight Watchers in New Zealand?"
Operator: One moment please. White watching, is that right?
Andrea: No, Weight Watchers. W-E-I-G-H-T Watchers in New Zealand.
Operator: Thank you, please hold for the number.
The number for Whale Watching in Kaikoura was texted to her soon after.
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Chris Aukino found it amazing that his uncle, who lives two streets away and whose house was burgled on Sunday night, was told by police it would be three days before they could swing by. Yet yesterday, the police arrived on his doorstep to enforce a complaint from a neighbour an hour before about his little brother riding his pit bike (a small dirt bike) around his quiet cul-de-sac. What gives?
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A Japanese company has developed a suit that it claims protects the wearer from swine flu. The firm has produced 50,000 suits. Each is coated with the chemical titanium dioxide, which reacts to light to break down and kill the H1N1 virus when it comes into contact with it. The chemical is a common ingredient in toothpaste and cosmetics. It will sell for about $790 . The company says it spent a year developing the suit, which retains its properties even after being washed numerous times. (Source: The Telegraph.co.uk)
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Chris reckons the bloke who got a parking ticket for being one minute over his time got what he deserved. "The responsibility for moving the car within this period lies entirely with him. Leaving the car there longer deprives someone else of a parking space. Besides, we do not know if the driver returned one minute after the time elapsed, or after a much longer period. Stop whingeing. It was your own fault. The parking warden was just doing his job!"
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Free-Range Whitebait. "Of course it is a joke," says a local. "All whitebait is free range. We have a good laugh about it with the friendly folk at the Food Connection in Gordonton. Their free-range whitebait fritters are to die for too!"
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See today's Herald cartoon
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<i>Sideswipe:</i> Harry Connick jnr not impressed
Bill and Ben from TV3's Pulp Sport darken up in the name of comedy.

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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