A warm and possibly boozy afternoon led this gutsy fella to take a dip at the Viaduct and then, looking for a spot to rest, to perch on the bulb of the Nautica cruise liner. Looked like a great spot to hang out but, unfortunately, according to the witness who took this picture, led to a ride in the back of a police car on his return to shore.
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Stop the press: Reality TV doesn't show reality. "I'm a bit of a fan of The Kitchen Job on TV. In one episode a cafe operator was berated for wrapping food in cling film as it made sandwiches look less than fresh. This was reinforced by some friend of the host visiting the cafe in question and claiming to be the owner of Foodini's in High St, Auckland. A TV shot showed his display cabinet and some wonderful-looking sandwiches. I turned up to Foodini's the morning after, thinking I'd love a freshly made bacon and egg bap for breakfast, and was astounded that the cabinet looked nothing like the one on TV and had about 50 per cent of its product wrapped in cling film."
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Gary Rostren put his garbage outside his home in Blackburn, England, one day when he went to work. While he was gone, the garbage can was knocked over, spilling the contents. Officials fined him 60 for not properly disposing of his garbage. Rostren fought the case in court and won. The prosecution cost taxpayers 5000, said the Daily Mail. (Source:
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Regarding "pocket calls", writes Mark. "A business associate once hit the speed dial on his phone just as he was about to relieve himself in a very noisy loo. He was talking to someone else, as well, and all the sound effects were magnified through my phone. No matter how I tried to get his attention he wasn't able to hear me. Gives new meaning to 'hands free'."
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The owner of Ponsonby's Agnes Curran cafe, Robbie Crowder, and his staff are desperately seeking the owner of a large black male cat who hangs around the Franklin Rd/Collingwood St area. "He's really friendly and is known to us simply as Cafe Cat. But he was found badly hurt on Tuesday. We took him to the Ponsonby vet and he is now with the SPCA. He's got a dislocated leg and bite wounds, and will be with the SPCA for another few days. If we can't find the owner he will probably get fostered." If anyone knows who he belongs to, please contact the staff at Agnes Curran as soon as possible.