Peter Cross spotted this section of repaired footpath in Whangarei less than 1m long coned off with nine, yes, nine, cones and two big signs advising pedestrians to use the other side. "I know walking on the grass can be extremely dangerous (yeah right) but I suspect a double crossing of SH1 to avoid three steps on the grass could be slightly more risky."
Death in the neighbourhood
Since the economy is built on real estate and not much else, what's going to get a neighbourhood talking more than a few unexpected for-sale signs springing up.
Ad agency M&C Saatchi has launched an ad campaign for the Fire Service, erecting fake real estate signs outside houses in Auckland and Wellington, pushing the smoke alarm message. The smaller print reads:
"Without working smoke alarms, this elegant home is a family killer. Fast asleep in your bed, you'll never notice the deadly, poisonous smoke filling your bedroom, ensuite and lungs. You'll simply die without waking. Unless you have working photoelectric smoke alarms."
Bargain down the pan
To follow on from that Blu-Tack story, a reader writes: "Last night at Foodtown Dominion Rd I spotted an eight-pack of Purex toilet paper with FREE Roly dog soft toy, cost $4.49. Pity the exact same toilet paper next to it, without the FREE Roly, was $3.99. Idiots."
One for the birds
A billboard in Boston for pomegranate juice came under fire for supposedly trivialising suicide (it shows a bottle of the juice with a noose around its neck and the strap line "Cheat Death - the antioxidant power of pomegranate juice") can't be taken down because an endangered hawk has nested and hatched chicks on it.
Wildlife laws protect the nest and the structure it's built on, much to the annoyance of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (Source:
Tip for Facebook users
Darryl writes: "There is a new privacy setting called 'Instant Personalisation' that shares data with non-Facebook websites and is automatically set to 'Allow.' Go to Account, Privacy Settings, Applications and Websites, Instant Personalisation, and uncheck, Allow. Please re-post because if your friends DON'T uncheck they will share your info without you OR them knowing it."
Today's Webpick: Best of three local docos...Reluctant hero Willie Apiata, plus a day in the life of Wellington rubbish collectors from 1971 and a great clip from the 1970 Expo film, This is New Zealand. Go here.
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