Shirley and Ed James, of Russell, say every time they walk past this church they see people taking snapshots of the sign.
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The West Yorkshire Environmental Health department cited farmer Ronald Norcliffe for inadequate lighting in his barn, which inspectors said failed to meet the "psychological needs" of his one cow and her calf. In his appeal a year later, Norcliffe noted (unsuccessfully) that he has had a clean record as a farmer for 30 years and that he still lived without electricity in his own house. After his defeat, Norcliffe's lawyer said: "I still have no idea how much lighting is appropriate for a cow." (Source: News of the
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Gross hedonism: They say it's the best bath you'll ever have; they call it The Eighth Continent and, for $68,000, it is the world's most expensive spa treatment. A product of the ME! Bath company in the US, you get to dunk yourself in a combination of glacier water ("that started its voyage over 15,000 years ago in the ancient glaciers") and Hawaiian deep-sea water, with Arabian Sidr honey, Peruvian pink salt, Illipe butter from Borneo, Murumuru butter from the Amazon, Kokum butter from India, Israeli jojoba oil, and 24-carat gold, all added. (Source:
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Peter Wharton writes: "The regular one-way fare from Britomart to Mt Smart is $3.80 - so why is it a "deal" to offer a return fare of $10 to the (mostly) young punters travelling to Big Day Out? Seems that Veolia is taking advantage of people's lack of knowledge about train fares. In Melbourne they encourage public transit to major events like the Melbourne Cup by offering free train travel to reduce traffic congestion at the racetrack. Not here in Auckland - we overcharge."
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At the weekend, Helen Medlyn was on a ride with a friend on his Harley motorbike when the switch to the reserve fuel tank failed and they were stranded in the middle of nowhere. After a short wait, a guy on a scooter putt-putted to a stop beside them and asked if they needed help. He was an Irish guy, named Paul, who offered to take one of them to a petrol station. "Because my friend is very tall and muscled, I thought it best that I go," writes Helen. "I was laughing at the sight we must have made ... me wearing my black leathers, clinging to Paul's pale blue anorak. Bless that man. He had to take me quite a distance before we found the nearest petrol station, then he waited while I got some fuel, and then rode me and a huge petrol canister back. Paul wouldn't accept anything for his random act of kindness, so we could only thank him verbally ... He was a star."
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See today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Webpick: Drink-driving graphic from the 1950s, the winner of the 2009 “Bad Sex in Fiction” award and the worst action movie scene ever made…. Go here to watch.
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