Sign spotted in Silverstream, Upper Hutt, by Ramona and Johnny.
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A reader writes: "When I asked the checkout operator at Pakuranga Foodtown yesterday why she had stopped processing my shopping, she pointed to the "R18" notice and told me she was waiting for the supervisor to approve my purchase of two bottles of wine. Not only am I 80 years old, but I have been shopping there for more than 18 years."
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You think your life sucks? Check these out:
* Today, I wanted to have a good lunch with my wife before fasting for my surgery, which I may not survive. She decided getting her hair cut was more important. I ate alone.
* Today, I checked my Facebook, and my wife of five years was listed as single. I then write on her wall that it is okay to announce to be married. She writes back that we have to talk. (Source:
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Chris Potts of Campbells Bay wants a word with the Christian group who scattered leaflets all along the Milford-to-Takapuna foreshore walk yesterday. "It may have been clever marketing but didn't encourage many of us to become followers - we just picked the leaflets up and took them to the litter bin. Thanks for your email address too - I hope you get lots of responses telling you that littering isn't very Christian."
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My brother phoned Vodafone yesterday to inquire about an account, writes Maria Lowe. "Being the affable, cheery bloke that he is, he asked the operator as to his location in the world. The operator replied, "I am in Egypt", to which my brother answered, "Oh! Nice one, geezer." The operator in all seriousness said, "No, I am in Cairo."
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Turning left from bus lanes: "Thanks to your correspondent Anne Macmillan, we now know that we are not supposed to drive for more than 50 metres in a bus lane when turning left," says another driver. "Can someone tell us why it matters how far you travel in a clear bus lane if you are genuinely turning left? Especially at peak times, any vehicle turning left via a bus lane is making more room for others in the right lane(s)."
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See today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Video Webpick: If Twitter were real life. Sums it up nicely. click here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.