Daron Brinsdon says buying a baby monitor freed him and his wife from the repetitive journey back and forth to check the baby. He writes: "We rented a thriller to watch on DVD one night and after an hour or so I went to the toilet, leaving the movie running. I popped my head into the baby's room to discover my wife had put the receiver in the cot and the transmitter in the lounge with us. Our 3-month-old had been intently listening to the movie action all night."
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A reader wondered what her 20-year-old son had to tell his parents when he rushed out to meet them as they drove up. "We were thinking he's probably going flatting, bought a car or decided to pop the question to his young lady. I got out of my car and, with a massive smile on his face, he placed a hand on each of our shoulders, so that hubby and I were facing each other, and said, 'Grandma, meet Grandpa'. Later I thought what a brilliant way to be given the news."
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Rob Gorton of the Bay of Islands writes: "My brother was visiting friends who had just renovated their bathroom and were very proud of their new addition. During the night my brother made a nature call and after switching off the light thought that he should give the room a spray with the air freshener. He grabbed the can off the shelf and sprayed copious amounts around the room. In his half-asleep state he realised it was not making the normal hissing sound. Turning on the light he discovered he had sprayed blue shaving foam all around the bathroom walls. His efforts to clean up were made worse by the fact that every time he added water, the foam seemed to spread further."
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Carol Wright of Albany admits to an age-related faux pas: "I had to make an emergency visit to Melbourne due to a family illness. I wanted to keep in touch with my husband in New Zealand, so rushed to the local Vodafone shop and asked the assistant if my mobile had global warming capabilities."
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A Swedish reader, who now lives in Devonport, shares a not-so-fond memory of her first week in New Zealand: "At a party someone suggested we should all jump in the spa pool. What an exciting experience, I thought. As I tiptoed out into the dark garden and slipped into the nice warm bubbles a light was switched on, shining brightly from the floor of the pool. That's when I realised, they were all wearing togs ... and I wasn't."
Entries have now closed. Come back on Monday for the winner.