The hundreds of motorists travelling down Onewa Rd on Auckland's North Shore the other evening would love to meet the Transit official who designed the temporary re-routing for those wishing to head south back into the city on the motorway. They were sent north to Takapuna, then left to find their own way south through a mire of roadworks near Barry's Point Rd. Frustrated drivers ran over witches hats, went through red lights and made all manner of illegal turnarounds to avoid being detoured further away in the opposite direction. To top it off, once they got over the harbour bridge, the Ponsonby exit at Shelly Beach Rd was also closed, so the usual 10-minute journey became a 30 minute nightmare. All this for the sight of just one lone roadworker seen leaning against a vehicle behind a mile of barriers.
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Blair Robertson says that if those friendly little bulbs the Aussies want to force on everybody are the same GE ones that the United States has, they contain mercury. So when people throw the bulbs away, unless a rigorous recycling programme is in place, up will go the mercury levels in the environment. And workers will be exposed to it if the bulbs break in the trash on the way to the dump.
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Mark Stewart's quest to find out what's in his beer is aided by Amber, who writes: "People who are conscious of the nutritional content of beer should try the delicious new lower-carb beer from Mac's, called Mac's Spring Tide. You'll find the nutritional information on the back label of each bottle."