The self-appointed "It" couple of New Zealand Christian Rock, the newly betrothed singer/manager combo of Yulia Townsend and Glyn McLean, continue their matrimonial publicity assault with McLean inviting KiwiFM's Wallace Chapman and his listeners to their wedding. Giving an email address out on air, McLean encouraged folk to email the pair explaining "why you should be there and your experience of Yulia" to get an invite.
Pillow pedants: In a bid to attract customers, the Conrad Hotel chain is offering an extensive pillow menu with more than 75 varieties of pillow. Some pillows are related to the destination such as the Shogun Pillow in the Conrad Bangkok or the Porcelain Pillow in the Conrad Centennial Singapore. Others are for certain complaints such as the Anti-Stress Pillow or the Cold and Flu Pillow at the Conrad Chicago which is infused with four essential oils: eucalyptus, tea tree, bergamot and sandalwood.
Chinese visitors picking up the February issue of Jasons Auckland What's On may find themselves transported back in time, says Bruce Maxwell. "Under the heading Special Events, Chinese New Year is listed as 17 February to 4 March and everyone is invited to 'celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Pig'. Actually, Chinese New Year is on February 7 and this is the Year of the Rat."
A Nottinghamshire postman who uses his bike to deliver the mail is struggling to find a cycle helmet to fit his large head. Jason Clay, 40, is trying to comply with a recent change in the company's health and safety rules that requires him to use a helmet. But, despite exhaustive searches of major chain stores and the internet, the best Clay has found is a 25in (63.5cm) XXL helmet from America. And even that doesn't fit. It means he has to walk a new round with a trolley and it is taking an hour longer than usual. "I have always had a problem with hats," Clay said. (Source:
Prince Philip, who is well-known for his public gaffes, failed to recognise Australian Oscar-winning actress Cate Blanchett at a recent meeting. The Daily Telegraph reported that when Blanchett explained she worked in film, he began talking about his DVD player. "There's a cord sticking out of the back of the machine," he told her. "Might you tell me where it goes?"