The X-Factor Personal Fitness Studio in Te Atatu Peninsula appears to be shunning worldwide trends in the desire for a well-toned body. "Where else can one go to get loose excess body fat?" wonders Mark.
A reader from a central Auckland business writes: "We received a junk fax ad for business coaching yesterday from 'Chris' of which we found particularly repugnant. It read: Attention: SECRETARIES
We think you are beautiful. Would you do us a favour and hand this fax to your boss or manager? Thank you, Chris (followed by 3 smiley faced emoticons)
Hamilton police could be forgiven a wry smile this week after arresting an irate victim of wheel clampers ... Here's why: Officers were called to an underground carpark in the city just after 3pm after reports an indignant driver was demanding his car be unclamped. The driver, believing he was in the right, stuck around expecting police would order the car unclamped. He was in for a shock, however, when he was placed under arrest. A quick check revealed the car had been stolen the day before in Ward St.
Holiday Hell: An around-the-world pub crawl - and yes they're coming to Auckland, and Queenstown. Twenty-five binge-drinkers with plenty of cash who can take a month off work will enjoy the "Around the World in 60 Pubs" tour, departing from London at the end of March and touching down in bars across the globe.
Terry Johnson shares his latest real estate agent experience: "Put house on the market with a real estate agent who at the time offered to cut his commission if the house sold quickly. After the sign went up outside, we had the buyer knocking on the door within hours without any involvement of the agent. On settlement I reminded the agent of what he said, to which he wailed. 'But I got you such a good price!' He did relent, however, and cut the $16k commission to $15k, and presented us with a framed snap of the house with his business card inlaid below it. With that memory, I must go and wash now."
An American policewoman has been fired for suing a family after she slipped in a puddle of water during the rescue of a small boy who suffered severe brain damage when he fell into a pool. The lawsuit brought public ridicule to the Casselberry Police Department in Florida and left people wondering whether they could get sued by officers responding to emergency calls, Police Chief John Pavlis said in a memo explaining the decision.