Judy Brown decided to cash in some of her FlyBuys points and treat herself to a bottle of perfume, but when it arrived it included an alarming Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Substances declaration. "I would like to thank the courageous NZ Couriers contractor who delivered my goodies to my home and hope he/she realises that I didn't intend to put him/her in any peril just to satisfy my self-indulgence! I never realised perfume was such a hazardous substance and never realised that I should, according to the form: Keep unnecessary people away, mark the road and warn road users; isolate hazard area, send messenger to inform police and fire brigade, keep upwind and avoid breathing. It leaves me pondering: do I need a special consent to keep such dangerous goods in my bathroom? Do I need to inform my neighbours?"
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Charles Douglas says Sky has a new-look website this week but missing from the TV guide is TV3's programme listings. "Could this be payback from the recent legal stoush?"
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A Reader writes: "In response to multi-tasking drivers, it seems not only women have that skill. I happen to know a very efficient violin teacher who also changes while driving. His reason? To change from casual clothes to concert dress in a mad rush to get to the town hall after teaching. Who says men can't multi-task?"
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Another reader reports: "I was walking down Great North Rd from Kelston to New Lynn, a relatively straight road, when I saw an oncoming car being driven by ... a book. But not just any book; it appeared to be a novel! A moment of the story was spared enough for the woman driver to lower it, check the road for other cars and the one approaching corner, before getting back to her read."
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A Suffolk man lost 38kg in six months on a diet of baked beans. James Skeates, 28, has trimmed down from 133kg to 95kg by eating at least two large cans of beans a day. "I was getting through two tins a day," Mr Skeates said. "I was never hungry, but the weight kept coming off. It didn't really cause me any problems eating all the beans, but strangely now I have reached my target weight I have recently suffered a bit more wind." (Source:
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Strange English words I'd never heard of:
Inaniloquent - To babble
Limerance - To be in love
Mungo - A dumpster diver - one who extracts valuable things from rubbish
Nihilarian - A person who deals with things lacking importance
Pronk - A weak or foolish person
Pulveratricious - Covered with dust
Rastaquouere - A social climber
Scopperloit - Rude or rough play
Today's Video Webpick:Ever seen two giraffes fighting? Watch it here. Scroll down.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.