Pete Couchman from Masterpets sheds some light on the popularity of the Helen Clark Election '08 dog toy. "The fact that Helen is selling out may have little to do with popularity. Masterpets' 'Dog-tucker' poll is a reverse poll, where it pays not to be ahead. The old saying of being 'fed to the dogs' is rather poignant when being chewed by dogs up and down the country ... "
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While attending a private burial at Purewa Cemetery, Auckland, this week, Paul met the lowest of the low. "Little did we realise that lurking behind the cars parked directly behind our backs were some opportunistic thieves with a screwdriver. While we were focused on the service, they tried to break into two of the mourners' cars, damaging and destroying the cars' panels and lock barrels and leaving us questioning the lows some people will sink to. So if you are attending a burial service, maybe bring your own security guards."
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A bungling British spy proved he was no James Bond when his carefully chosen disguise fell off ... during a TV interview. The MI6 agent was appearing on BBC's The One Show to discuss the agency's role during intelligence operations. He was wearing a fake moustache and disguise to conceal his identity, but as he was quizzed the heat from the camera lights weakened the adhesive and his moustache began to peel away from his lip. Fortunately the incident was not broadcast live. (Source:
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Judy and a friend were visiting a cemetery on Waiheke when a strange thing happened. "After a non-alcoholic lunch at Onetangi we drove to the cemetery and noticed we were being followed by a 4WD vehicle. We pulled over to let him pass, but he stayed behind us. He would have seen I was a grey-haired woman in my 60s. Unsure where the cemetery was, we continued slowly, with him following behind. We went into the cemetery and he parked across the road. I was going to report this intimidating behaviour when we got to Oneroa, but the police came to meet us instead. With flashing lights and speeding along the road they pulled us over, breathalysed my friend and told us we had been reported for 'swerving all over the road'. Do the police on Waiheke have residents reporting false information to give them some work to do?"