Mattel tries to teach little girls responsible dog-owning practices.
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My son takes an occasional interest in current affairs, and last night I found myself explaining the situation in Zimbabwe to him. He's only 5, so it was of the "He's a very bad man who does bad things to people" variety. "Like what?" my son wanted to know. "Like killing people," I replied rather gingerly. He was horrified. "How do you stop him?" he demanded to know. "You get his friends to tell him he's a very bad man," I suggested. "But that won't work!" my son protested. "You have to shout at people like that." Oh, the wisdom of children ...
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Nic was keen to take advantage of Whitcoulls Whangarei's "25 per cent off" DVD sale: "I decided to buy the BBC version of Day of the Triffids only to discover it had shot up to $34.95 from last week's $19.95 (the remains of the old price tag still underneath the new one). I then tried to get the 25 per cent off the Secret Army season one DVD clearly marked with the BBC logos only to be told it wasn't included as it was distributed by Umbrella Entertainment in Australia. Looking around, I noticed that all the BBC titles had gone up in price. Disgusted with Whitcoulls' attempt to hoodwink customers, I immediately went home and ordered $500 worth of DVDs from Amazon."
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British parents cleaning out their child's lunchbox at the end of the school day could be in for a nasty surprise - a scolding note from teacher alongside the half-eaten sandwiches and empty crisp packets. A Government-funded body called the School Food Trust wants teachers to send out warning letters to parents who fail to comply with school healthy-eating policies. And conversely send congratulatory letters to those who pack healthy lunches for their children. (Source:
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Katie explains that the retailers of the knock-off Spider-Man action figures pictured in SideSwipe this week can't use the Spider-Man brand as it would be illegal use of the trademark.
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Today's Webpick: Being cleansed by the Holy Spirit involves involuntary, uncontrollable thrashing. Here's an incredible compilation showing moments of religious ecstasy. Watch ithere. Scroll down!
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.