Have you ever noticed that some people, when their picture is taken, tilt their head to the side? According to Weird the behaviour is called head-canting. Researchers speculate that it's a submissive gesture. Canadian sociologist Erving Goffman described it as "a form of ingratiation or appeasement achieved by reducing one's overall height". James Dean's head-tilts seemed to say, as East of Eden director Elia Kazan put it: "Pity me, I'm too sensitive for the world."
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Strange security risk No 1: Kit Rahman from Sanitarium passed on this correspondence the company received from Janet of Levin. "While travelling to the UK via Auckland Airport I was disappointed to have the three jars of Marmite I was taking to my son confiscated. I was told by security personnel that Marmite posed a security risk as I might smear it on the plane and make a bomb."
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Strange security risk No 2: A reader from Hillsborough writes: "When our son and his wife and daughter emigrated to Brisbane three years ago he forgot to pack his didgeridoo. When he came over in March he decided to take it back with him. It wouldn't fit into his suitcase and as he carried it through Customs a staff member took it off him, saying it could be used as a weapon. My son protested and said he'd give it to his parents as they were still in the airport building. Oh no, you can't do that, said the Customs man. It was never seen again."
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Scott advises that for those who believe in omens, there is a quinella in Race 1 at Tauranga tomorrow they may want to have a flutter on. Lining up are 'Winston' and 'Who's Got D'Cash'.
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There used to be a historic diesel engine outside the New Zealand Steel recycling plant in Favona Rd, Mangere, writes Michael. "It was on a dedicated piece of track that didn't go anywhere, but it was a reminder of days past when these were the workhorses of NZ Railways. Two weeks ago it disappeared. My hope is that it didn't jump the fence into the scrap steel plant to become reinforcing steel. Let's hope it went to a place where old engines are revered, as it may be the only one of its type left."
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Today's Webpick: Motorhead's 'Ace of Spades' as you've never seen it before. Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.