A huge fan of MacGyver, Shapon Mitra, of Bangladesh, established "MacGyver Hairdresser" in 1992 as a business/shrine to the resourceful 1980s TV hero.
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Booking Bands is a wordplay game from a clever site called Coudal Partners. The idea is to create a mash-up (combo/mix) of band names and book titles. Here are the best 12 reader submissions:
1. Tom Petty and The Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.
2. Jane Eyre's Addiction.
3. Of Mice and Men at Work.
4. Ramones of the Day.
5. Bridge over the River Jamiroquai.
6. The Universe and Everything But the Girl.
7. A Christmas Carole King.
8. A Tale of U2 Cities.
9. The Joy Division Luck Club.
10. Huey Lewis and the Shipping News.
11. Chicken Soup for the De La Soul.
12. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Artist Formerly Known as Prince.
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Economic forecasters beware: Japanese women are cutting their hair again. Women tend to wear their hair long when Japan's economy is doing well and short when there is a slump, the Nikkei Business Daily reports. This mirrors the view among some analysts that Japan's longest growth cycle since World War II may have ended and the economy is at risk of falling into a recession. A Japanese cosmetics firm has conducted surveys of women on the streets of Tokyo and Osaka over the past two decades. Until the early 1990s, when Japan's economic bubble burst, 60 per cent of women in their 20s kept their hair long, but during the 1990s economic slump, short hair - defined as above the collarbone - became the dominant hairstyle for women. But since 2002, long hair has regained some popularity - just as the economy started to expand, the Nikkei said. (Source: Reuters)
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That old "first at 5.30" line loses some of its sting when running the cricket forces Prime to move the news back to 6pm like everyone else.
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Robyn Yousef writes: "A zany friend has brought new meaning to 'Topless in Howick' with a half-mannequin reclining in her bedroom window. And she changes the position of her legs on a regular basis to keep admirers enthralled!"
Today's Webpick: A video about the worlds highest skateboard ramp in action. It's longer than a football field, built from 400 sheets of plywood with a full-sized acrobat's net to prevent riders from falling in the creek. Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.