"Foodtown either has some spelling issues or this is genetic modification gone wrong," says Doug.
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Candy McLennan of Sandringham writes: "Amongst our 3-year-old granddaughter's favourite exhibits at the Auckland Museum is the Spitfire fighter plane, and we've told her that Grandma's father flew it in the war. He actually piloted Lancasters but we don't let the facts spoil a good story. With Anzac Day coming up we thought we'd let her see some more of the military exhibits, and we attempted to tell her, in simple terms, what war was all about. Since there were photos of him around we focused on an evil man called Hitler. This morning her parents asked her what she enjoyed most at the museum. 'Rajah the elephant and the Spitfire,' she replied. 'And grandma's daddy used to fly the Spitfire and his name was Hitler."
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'The Beijing Tourism Bureau ordered hotels to re-translate English signs, hoping to avoid such notorious past gaffes as "Racist Park", which is now "Park of Ethnic Minorities", and a cafe's attempted Western visitor salute "Welcome, big nose friends". And the Beijing Olympics Committee has been training hostesses to stand in military-like precision, straight enough to hold a sheet of paper between their knees, and to smile continuously, showing "six to eight teeth". There are height and weight requirements for the hostesses, and each must have an upper- to lower-body ratio of no more than 11-to-13, to eliminate, according to local newspapers, "big bottoms". (Source: News of the Weird)
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Bald, retired school teacher James Campbell, 61, told the Glasgow employment tribunal he suffered harassment from pupils at a Scottish High School because of his baldness. The judge ruled that baldness was not a disability. "If baldness was to be regarded as an impairment then perhaps a physical feature such as a big nose, big ears or being smaller than average height might of themselves be regarded as an impairment." (Source:
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A US gamer has been credited with the ultimate nerd wedding proposal after hacking into his girlfriend's favourite video game. Bernie Peng, 26, reprogrammed a game called Bejeweled so a ring and a proposal popped up when Tammy Li, 27, reached a certain score. When she did hit the score a digital pink sapphire ring dropped down with Peng's proposal. "He set a pretty low score," said Li, who now wears an identical pink sapphire engagement ring. "He had all his bases covered." (Source:
Today's Webpick: British actress Tricia Walsh-Smith, the wife of a major Broadway theatre operator, has posted a video on YouTube to air the dirty laundry from her divorce from a man 25 years her senior. Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.