Taxi Driver curry at Pak 'n Save in Albany.
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According to a Brisbane food historian, the pie was invented as a way to preserve meat in medieval Europe. The pastry was not meant to be eaten, but was like the container, says Dr Janet Clarkson. "Called a 'coffin', it was made with very hard rye flour up to 18 centimetres thick and wrapped around the meat and baked. This could preserve meat for up to a year," she says.
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A Dominion Rd cafe has made some startling cuts. A customer writes: "I ordered Eggs Benedict, and the waiter told me it is now "Egg Benedict", as in singular. I said I wanted Eggs Benedict - as in two. He proceeded to talk at length about the cost benefit to them behind the move and said could have a second egg if I paid extra. Already paying $16, I didn't feel inclined to."
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An open letter to the groundsman at Aorere College, who locked up the gate while a soccer game was being played on the grounds: "Did you not wonder how the teams and their supporters would get out once the game was over? Thank you to the people whose fences several people jumped over to get out and to the person(s) who jimmied open one of the locks so that the rest of us could get out! There was talk of breaking a classroom window so that at least security would show up and let us out."
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There must be an easier way? Jess writes: "The inconvenience has nothing to do with either the age of the operator or of the customer - all alcohol and tobacco purchases have to be approved by a supervisor. As an underage checkout operator, I deal with what seems like hundreds of complaints about the new alcohol policy every shift. The policy is made by people ... who clearly have never been in a supermarket express line."
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A supermarket supervisor says the new policy is a nightmare for her:"I wish it was only for underage operators ... It is bad enough having to deal with returns and Lotto but now we have to run to checkouts every few minutes."
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Kay from Northcote was surprised to read in the Herald supplement My Generation, an ad for healthy volunteers required for flu vaccine trials. "I considered taking part, being between 50-64 years," but is worried about the disclaimer at the bottom of the advert where it said women may not take part if "pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant".
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See today's Herald cartoon
Today's Video Webpick: Boy George endorsed this plastic-fantastic novelty Karma Chameleon phone that plays … you guessed it... click here. These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.