Everyone is looking for a sign, other than real estate spin, that the economy is on the mend, so anything can become an indicator of pending doom or boom. A rise in baked-bean sales usually indicates money is tight, and the more cranes on the cityscape the better. There is, of course, the lipstick index, the theory being women buy lipstick if they can't afford shoes, and the hot waitress/waiter index, which supposes the more attractive a city's serving staff are, the weaker the economy because even good-looking people can't get a decent job. Now the latest to join the ranks is the men's underwear index, which is explained in the Washington Post: "Sales of men's underwear typically are stable because they are a necessity. But during times of severe financial strain, men will try to stretch the time between buying new pairs, causing underwear sales to dip. Or as a consumer research analyst puts it: "It's like trying to drive your car an extra 10,000 miles."
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Have any other readers been subjected to the annoying frequent recorded calls from an unidentified company wanting to sort out your tax refund for you (at a cost), asks Dolly. "I have received at least five calls this week and have listened to the full spiel in the hope of getting a company name, but there is nothing. Not only are these calls an intrusion, the "service" offered is a rip-off. You can easily find out about your tax status online - at no cost."
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Most expensive sheep: The perfect specimen has sold for a world record price of £231,000 ($553,000) at a livestock auction in Scotland. The 8-month-old entire male, called Deveronvale Perfection, was bred in Banffshire. The buyer was impressed by the sheep's "great body and strong loin". And experts reckon the "staggering" price paid will prove to be a bargain. John Yates of the Texel Sheep Society said previous UK record holder Tophill Joe earned its owner £1 million in stud fees before he died this month.
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Unfair vege fare, says this reader. "The Vege 'Big' Breakfast at a Remuera eatery I dined at didn't come with eggs. So what do you get for your $16.50? Three cooked veges and toast. Weirdly, the meaty version comes with eggs, bacon, sausages and more for just $2 extra."
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Driving home from work in Ranui, a reader spotted two people enthusiastically waving a sign advertising Free Bike Ramps. "Turned out the family had realised that their daughters had grown out of the bike ramps that their Dad had made for them and wanted to pass them on to someone else. I was thrilled to be able to take them home to my skateboard-mad son (who promises that he will wear his helmet when he's on them). Many thanks to lovely Metcalfe Rd people."
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View today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Webpick: The biggest mess my son ever created was when he ripped off all his bedroom wallpaper from his bedroom walls. That was
worse than the spontaneous bean bag unzipping. But I think these two take the cake….Go here
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