Jason Cordelle was at Auckland Zoo on Saturday to celebrate the first birthday of the tiger cubs with his wife and two young children. "My 4-year-old kept saying, 'Don't give a microphone to a shark' ... This went on for some time and frankly, I was baffled until I saw this sign [above]. Luckily, we'd left our microphone at home and the sharks were conspicuously absent."
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One reader writes: "The Problem Gambling Foundation should have kept their mouths shut over the record $26 million Big Wednesday Lotto draw; their hand-wringing only reminded me that I didn't have a ticket and sent me to the dairy quick smart."
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Another reader suggests: "If Lotto really wants to sell more tickets, rather than offering stratospheric amounts to few, why not try offering small amounts to many? As the recession bites I'm damn sure $20k prizes would still have the punters shelling out 10 bucks and boost the economy at the same time."
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Melbourne police are looking for a man whose socks caught fire during a botched arson attempt. The man doused a weatherboard house in Preston with fuel in the wee hours, but moments later his feet were engulfed in the flames. The fleeing man left a fuel can behind and his socks smouldering in the gutter. The house suffered only minor damage.
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Aman reported missing by his wife last week was located on Saturday. But he says he wasn't missing - just following his wife's wishes to go away. William Peterson of Cornelius, Oregon, told police he and his wife had an argument and she told him to get out. So Peterson spent the week fishing and camping. His wife, Pam, said the argument with her husband happened months ago, and that she forgot about telling him at the time that he could always leave. (Source: Oregon Live.com)
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The Advertising Standards Authority has rejected a complaint over a clip in a Cadbury Moro bar ad of horses having sex. The complainant said it "was offensive to watch an advert in which two horses were fornicating. I am the parent of an 8-year-old and a 2-year-old and work hard at preserving their innocence". The Television Commercials Approval Bureau admitted the humour was rather juvenile but said it was not gratuitous and "does not depict anything not seen daily on farms up and down the country".
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View today's Herald cartoon
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Today's Webpick: This preacher has a new angle…rock music is evil. Watch it here.
These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.