This roast (pictured) was spotted in a supermarket in Rarotonga last year. I thought this was just a tad strange, until I Googled "Tom Cruise roast lamb". Turns out Maverick was a poster boy for Australian lamb in the early 1990s.
The got-away car
A readers tell us how the bus was pulling into the stop outside the Langham Hotel in Symonds St when a car cut in front of it. The bus driver bumped the headlights on to high beam in a show of frustration, and the driver of the car took exception to this, got out of his car at the next lights and started abusing the bus driver. The bus driver kept asking him if he was finished. "Why are you asking me that?" said the agitated car driver. "Well," said the bus driver, "I thought you might like to go and get your car which has just run down the hill and sideswiped two parked cars while you have been having a go at me."
Wake up - you're surrounded
"I have also been the subject of mistaken identity by the NZ police," writes Daryl of Manurewa. "I awoke to SWAT surrounding my house. I am a shift worker and was stacking some Zs one afternoon when my wife woke me with, 'Honey, the police want to talk to you about a murder'. There were five or six armed police surrounding the house. It seems somebody had claimed to have spotted a fugitive they had seen in the news, driving my car. After a few questions they realised their mistake and jumped back in their vehicles and, eventually, drove off. Not even a sorry or 'kiss my ass'. I kissed the wife and went back to bed."
The real culprits
"True - some people are incorrectly identified under the Community Road Watch Programme," writes Steve. "But what about the drivers who are driving dangerously? Funny we haven't heard from any of them ... A couple of months ago I witnessed a car almost hit an elderly pedestrian while turning right on a green light at speed. I noted the registration number and dobbed them in. Sure, there's a risk that I got the registration number wrong and someone got a letter without cause. If so, I apologise."
Holy fleet
Sally writes: "I was wondering if the black Mini Cooper that tailgated me down the Coatesville/Riverhead highway last week with the number plate JESUS was related to GOD by any chance. PS: It's not the Chrisco Mansion any more. God has apparently changed the name to "dotcom Mansion" on the signpost outside."
<i>Sideswipe:</i> Celebrity roast
Photo / Supplied

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