A reader writes: "Thanks NZ Post for your Christmas card delivered on December 3, and for the posting deadlines contained therein. One small problem - how can I now meet deadlines for November 20 and November 23? Do you think you could get them out a month earlier next year? Just a suggestion."
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A couple from Oxfordshire surprised their wedding guests by throwing out the traditional wedding list and asking them to donate blood instead. Daniel and Jane Cluff, both 35, from Abingdon, have never needed a blood transfusion themselves. The pair have donated blood since the age of 18 and thought it would be a good idea to encourage more people to sign up to the National Blood Service. But only 25 of their 120 guests agreed to donate blood.
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The high-end fashion store Valentina said it had reached a settlement on an out-of-control tab run up by Oprah Winfrey's mother (Vernita Lee), who owed US$155,000 ($216,000) as of July 2008. The dispute came about because Valentina had taken Lee to court in 2002 over a separate, $174,000 tab, but then extended her credit. Lee refused to pay, accusing Valentina of exploiting her "absence-of-willpower" disability. (Source: News of the Weird)
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Jeremy Coleman of Manurewa was appalled at AJ's wife ducking down so she wasn't caught while driving and gassing on her cellphone. "Perhaps AJ might like to consider these options. Confiscate the car keys and/or her cellphone, hands-free or not, demand $80 from her before she leaves the house to cover any fines incurred and, probably most effective, tell her to grow up and realise that there is life beyond cellphone contact 24/7, but not if she kills herself or some other unfortunate soul while she carries on her illegal selfishness."
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Who are all these more-precious-than-thou relatives who are so appalled that a real estate agent does some intelligent marketing?" asks Michael. "Surely after a funeral or even before, a relative is wondering what is going to happen to the house and wondering what it might be worth? Is there some sort of mourning period which must not be transgressed? Perhaps in the death notice: no agents for six months and drape the house in black. Then when it's burgled and trashed their stance will be vindicated."
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View today's Herald cartoon
Today's Webpick: Kiwi clips - check out Billy T Live and the Country Calendar Spoof Special which includes the infamous radio-controlled dog, the overtly gay couple who ran a "stress-free" flock, and turkeys in gumboots. Go here and check it out.
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