22,832 - Dave Cull
14,453 - Peter Chin
6692 - Lee Vandervis
The winds of change could be about to sweep through the offices of the Dunedin City Council, with Mayor-elect Dave Cull convinced the community's demand for change led to his win on Saturday.
"I didn't get the mandate I did to keep things the same as they are," he said yesterday.
He said some issues, such as the re-routing of Lovelock Ave, might be reconsidered.
Mr Cull won with a convincing 22,832 votes after single transferable voting (STV) was taken into account, compared with sitting Mayor Peter Chin's 14,453.
At his Portobello Rd home on Saturday, Mr Cull said his initial reaction was "relief". Now, though, was the "challenge" of the new council. The inaugural meeting would be on October 26, and his recommendations for deputy and chairmen and women would go before a vote at that meeting.
"Between now and then, the big challenge is to consult with councillors. My job is to lead it as a team so we get the maximum benefit for the community from it."
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