Auckland Council has responded to Labour and National's radical plan for greater intensification, saying the problem is not zoning changes but the cost of infrastructure and skills and building material shortages.
A bill being rushed through Parliament before Christmas allowing three homes up to three storeys on one section needs significant changes, says the council's submission.
The council is calling on the Government to address the significant impacts on Auckland from widespread intensification, poor housing design and the inability to deliver infrastructure to support new communities in the Enabling Housing Supply Bill.
Hamilton City Council has unanimously agreed the bill should be withdrawn, saying it is in "direct conflict" with the council's strategic growth planning and some of the Government's own policies.

Hamilton Mayor Paula Southgate said the proposals will change the face of the city forever. Planning staff said the bill is being rushed through with no detailed analysis, robust engagement or clear understanding of unintended consequences.
Christchurch City Council also has concerns with the bill, such as protecting the garden city's trees and green spaces and wants to be able to decide on the areas for more housing.
The two main parties said the bill will help address the housing crisis and result in at least 48,200 and as many as 105,500 new homes being built in the next five to eight years.