What was your first job?
Bank teller at the BNZ in Woodville, my home town. I was 18 and paid $32 a week.
How did you get it?
The job was advertised in our local paper. My parents wanted me to stay at school but thought that a job in the bank was okay. All my friends had left school to go to jobs and I wanted to get "out there" as well.
Did you enjoy it?
I liked the people aspect and still enjoy that part of my job.
What parts didn't you like?
Apart from the appallingly low wages, the prospect of advancement seemed slim.
What did you learn?
If you are happy to muddle along, that's exactly what will happen. Believe in yourself. Never think that you can't do something.
What was your boss like?
I first thought he was rather scary but, once I got to know him, he was okay.
Why did you leave?
After two years, I left to work at the Post Office because the pay was better.
Advice for someone starting out?
Stay at school and get good qualifications, and that will help you later. If you don't understand something, ask. It is a lot easier to ask than make a mistake. Always treat people with respect and you will be treated the same. Aim high and always look for an opportunity.
Is it harder for people entering the job market now?
It is harder nowadays as everything depends greatly on qualifications. Just because someone is qualified doesn't mean that they can do the job. But not having that qualification sometimes doesn't give you the opportunity to prove yourself.