While it isn't good politics for Trevor Mallard to berate us in Auckland for prevaricating over the stadium, I can understand his exasperation. It's clear that, at this stage, the majority of Aucklanders are instinctively opposed to a waterfront events arena. But, from where he sits, we are being offered a world class stadium at no cost to Auckland ratepayers and we still aren't happy. His empty threat about taking it to Jade Stadium in Christchurch was silly and will only make his job harder.
I can appreciate some of the technical challenges of putting the stadium on the wharf, but I think a lot of the opposition is just the usual small-mindedness and opposition to change we seem to have whenever something big and new is proposed. When the Sky Tower was first mooted there was a similar outbreak of wailing and gnashing of teeth. Now it's hard to imagine the Auckland skyline without it. Remember the Aotea Square and Centre? Even a practical project such as the Britomart train station became a political football for years. I can't think of one visionary work proposed in Auckland that didn't build up a chorus of resistance. It seems that this is another oppositional campaign along the same lines. It surprises me that Aucklanders pride ourselves as innovators but seem to get nervous every time a major public work is proposed.
I really think we are looking a gift horse in the mouth. Of course, there are many questions to be answered and problems to be resolved. I don't think for a minute that it's going to cost $500 million as claimed. At the same time, I don't think the renovations for Eden Park would cost $300m either. My experience has been that whenever these sorts of projects are promoted, the proponents always undersell the cost and oversell the benefits. Therefore, I'm assuming that taxpayers aren't going to get any change out of a billion dollars for Mallard's stadium. But it's still worth giving it tacit support. I would have thought our region's leaders would see Mallard's proposal as an opportunity for leverage.