Seven candidates will contest the Ikaroa-Rawhiti byelection.
They are: Michael Appleby (Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party), Marama Davidson (Green Party), Adam Holland (Independent), Te Hamua Nikora (Mana Party), Na Rongowhakaata Raihania (Maori Party), Maurice Wairau (Independent), and Meka Whaitiri (Labour Party).
It is possible to place an advance vote from June 12 if you are going to be away from the electorate on election day, June 29.
Advance voting will be possible at.-
Dannevirke: The Hub, Allardice St, Wednesday June 26-Friday June 28, 10am-4pm; Featherston Public Library, 74 Fitzherbert St, Wednesday June 26-Friday June 28, 10am-4pm.