Should traffic turning right from Stokes Rd into Mt Eden Rd give way to traffic coming across from Essex Rd to Stokes Rd? On first glance it would seem so but, in fact, there is a slight left turn from Essex into Stokes, and therefore this traffic should also give way. Ann Saxton, Epsom.
Traffic turning right from Stokes Rd should give way to oncoming traffic from Essex Rd, says the Auckland City Council. It has installed continuity lines at the intersection to (hopefully) reduce confusion.
The Northern Motorway widening, particularly over Tristram Ave, was due to start in December, but nothing has happened. It would seem an easy task to provide three lanes if the present lanes were narrowed as they are in Spaghetti Junction. Graham Roberts, Gulf Harbour.
As in so many things, it's a matter of money.
Transit is looking to Land Transport New Zealand to provide funds to build an extra northbound lane from the Northcote interchange to Sunnynook. The tender is likely to be awarded in July.
The construction needs to be planned around the completion of the Northern Busway, so that Transit can have a temporary work zone in the median area.
This means that the southbound lanes will have to be shifted out a bit but southbound buses are using the shoulder. Thus, the shift has to wait until the buses can use the busway, which should be early next year.
The intention is to build an extra lane from the Tristram interchange to the Sunnynook underpass first and then build the lane from Northcote interchange to Tristram.
It should all be finished by October next year.