The intersection of Ladies Mile and Marua Rd, just before Umere Crescent, is an accident waiting to happen. The left lane at the lights has a left arrow for Marua Rd traffic plus a right arrow. The right lane has two right arrows, for traffic turning into and continuing along Ladies Mile, plus traffic turning briefly into Ladies Mile and then immediately turning left into Umere.
When there is a left green arrow, most traffic for Umere and Ladies Mile is considerate and waits in the right lane. The really interesting stuff happens when the left arrow turns red, and waiting traffic builds up in both lanes. Then on a green light, traffic in the right lane tries to turn into Ladies Mile and then left into Umere, while trying to dodge traffic from the left lane which is also turning into Ladies Mile and then continuing on or also turning into Umere.
I have seen several near misses at this intersection. Wouldn't it be safer to have the left lane marked exclusively for Marua Rd?
Diana Maher, Remuera.
I really had to study the street map for this one but I think I've got it straight. And even Auckland City Council admits that the layout here is tricky.
This section of Ladies Mile carries about 18,000 vehicles a day. During the morning peak period the main traffic demand is for the right turn from Ladies Mile (Remuera Rd end) into Ladies Mile (Ellerslie end). This is the reason for the two right turn lanes.
The council recommends that motorists trying to get to Umere Cres should use the left-hand lane from Ladies Mile, although this doesn't do anything to help the left turners in that lane. An alternative is to use the second entry into Umere Crescent, further down Ladies Mile, by which time two lanes have merged into one.
But the good news is that a search of the Land Transport NZ database reveals that there is no record of any crashes related to this question, Ms Maher, so clearly motorists are being careful here. The council will keep a watching brief on this site, to make sure that no further safety issues arise.
I commute by bus from New Lynn to Albert St in the city. It can take up to an hour, even by express bus, for a journey that should only take about 35 minutes. Most of the hold-up happens on the section of Great North Rd between Avondale and Pt Chev. There is no bus lane, and a huge volume of traffic heading for the motorway or Unitec. Are there any plans to widen the road and put in a bus lane? It's only going to get worse once the Western Ring Route is finished.
Kylie Horomia, New Lynn.
Auckland City Council is looking at ways to improve the Great North Rd corridor, as part of the Auckland Regional Transport Authority's plans. This includes possible bus lanes and walking and cycling improvements.
Nothing can be done before the Waterview section of the Western Ring Route is finished but plans for the corridor are part of the overall scheme.