Do you live in Auckland? Do you have a question or a problem you want solved? Phoebe Falconer answers your queries every Thursday. Email 'Ask Phoebe' at
I am a fan of the light-controlled onramps. I believe they work in easing traffic congestion on motorways. The ones at Takanini going north have been installed for some time now - when are they going to be used? And when will the new northbound onramp and controlled lights at Papakura be operational? Greg Sampson, South Auckland.
What an unusual (and very welcome) letter. The Takanini and Papakura ramp signals are due to be switched on in the middle of next month.
Particular benefits of ramp signalling in this area are the ability to keep traffic moving smoothly, to delay the onset of congestion on the Southern Motorway at peak times, and to hasten its recovery.
I always wonder why there is so much rubbish on the Gillies Ave northbound onramp and the Hobson St offramp southbound just under the Karangahape Rd bridge. Ruby Mardiono, Auckland.
Most rubbish on ramps and the motorway comes from people throwing it out of car windows. Filthy habit.
Transit's maintenance crews pick up more than 200kg of litter from inner city motorways every week. That's a lot, and we're paying for it.
They clean up from Ellerslie-Penrose to Wellington St on Wednesday nights, and from The Strand to State Highway 16, including all the on- and offramps.
They also sweep every fortnight and more often if it's needed.
From now on, the crews will keep a beady eye on Gillies, and try to keep the ramps under K' Rd clear, although some of this rubbish comes from people waiting at the bus stop above.
An added problem is that rubbish has the potential to cause accidents, encourage rodents and scavengers of all sorts, and make its way to the harbour to cause further pollution.
So keep it in the car until you get home.
Are there any plans to build a rail line out to the airport? Traffic often slows almost to a standstill on State Highway 20 in the afternoon, and a rail link to the airport would be great, and fast. Kathryn Arnold, Auckland.
The Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) has commissioned a study to review the best options for an airport rail link. The results of the study should be in sometime in the next two months or so.
Q: Heading north on the Southern Motorway, there is a sign at Otara that says 'I. T. I. M.'. What is this trying to tell us? Laurie Michie, Northcote.
A: Well, I thought it said I. T. I. M. too, but when I went for a look, I only found M. I. T. which stands for Manukau Institute of Technology.