National MP Nikki Kaye says she tried to resign when she found out she had breast cancer, but then-Prime Minister John Key refused to let her.
Kaye joined Matthew Hooton on Newstalk ZB today to discuss her breast cancer diagnosis with former Internet Party leader Laila Harre.
National MP Nikki Kaye says she tried to resign when she found out she had breast cancer, but then-Prime Minister John Key refused to let her.
Kaye joined Matthew Hooton on Newstalk ZB today to discuss her breast cancer diagnosis with former Internet Party leader Laila Harre.
Talking about the practicalities of dealing with her September diagnosis, Kaye spoke of calling Key to tell him she was sick.
"I offered my resignation and he refused to accept it, which was pretty incredible," she said.
"I was a complete mess. He was really strong and just said 'nup, you're going to get through this and we'll switch the portfolios'."