A Whale shark was spotted off coast of Whangamata. Source: John Alastair
A "huge" whale shark was the last thing two mates out on their jet skis fishing near Whangamata expected to see.
On Sunday afternoon, Alastair Shorten and a friend had driven about 15 minutes offshore from Whangamata towards the Aldermen Islands, where they stopped for a bit of fishing.
Soon after, Shorten heard a great splash behind him.
"I quickly turned around and saw a huge whale shark.
"It took us a little while to realise what it was. I had never heard of them being in New Zealand waters, and thought it was something more ominous."
They are highly migratory, and are found in almost all tropical and some warm temperate waters.
There have been unconfirmed reports in New Zealand as far south as Timaru, and off Milford Sound, during a period of exceptionally long, warm summers in the mid to late 1970s.
Whale sharks are generally solitary but loose aggregations of more than 100 have been observed.
A group of jet skiers had another whale shark sighting at the beginning of March near the "Hole in the Rock" on Motukokako, off the coast of the Bay of Islands.