Martinborough hub project opponent Sue Fox, of Featherston, has wished the working group luck with their endeavours but believes the new hub will be a "white elephant" because the population isn't there to utilise it.
"We would like to see council members and officers spending as much time and effort on building an economically viable and attractive township for Featherston as they are putting into the town hall project."
Her view is the working group had an "emotionally based desire to save the old Town Hall" and it would have been more sensible for the council to have taken a "detached look" at the economic return and benefit for all three towns.
She said Featherston needs an urban designer to put a professional lens on the development of the vacant land on Fitzherbert St.
"I am sad to note that despite the 549 petitioners pointing out that we did not want the low-cost option for Featherston's high street, council is still progressing its plans for a large section of the commercially zoned land to be made into a town square.