Almost 120 people at the town hall seemed receptive to the ideas, said Winifred Bull, the group's communications person.
"The impression was one of goodwill towards the project.
"What was good about the audience is it ranged from older folk right through to children."
One person suggested the 102-year-old town hall be demolished, but a new one would cost around the same and the heritage look would be lost, she said. "The strengthening can be done without compromising the heritage of the hall."
The last question came from a man who had just moved to the area with his family.
"The one thing they said they miss is a community hub."
Mrs Bull emphasised it was still a concept and public consultation would take place.
The South Wairarapa District Council had set aside some money but the bulk would would come from fundraising.
In its long-term plan, the council has allocated $900,000 for strengthening work.
The feasibility study estimated the annual costs to run a consolidated hub would not cost much more than operating the facilities separately, as is currently done.
Mrs Bull said $700,000 had already been raised through private fundraising. "It's been very positive. There is a quiet confidence that a robust funding plan can be put in place."
She said money would be raised by way of grants, philanthropic support, and existing funding from council for the town hall, library and the i-SITE.
"It is feasible, if it wasn't, private folks wouldn't be giving money." Mrs Bull said a tentative date for opening was 2018 if all went to plan.
"Once the financials are in place and the plans are ready to go tenders could be called the first quarter of 2015."
She said the hub was very exciting for Martinborough's existing and future residents but there was still a lot more work to be done.
The next step is for a steering group to take over the project and continue fundraising.
The council will start public consultation from April 16 to May 19.
The full feasibility study can be found here
Click here to see more of the plan drawings.