Nine children from Hastings, Flaxmere, and Wairoa received life-changing surgeries at no cost, thanks to Kaweka Hospital and a team of specialists who volunteered their time on a Saturday to help the children off the public wait-list.

Hospital manager Nick Pullan said ear, nose and throat surgeon Paul Mason proposed the idea of providing free ENT surgeries to support the public healthcare system and fast-track treatment for children in need.
“Paul inquired about an opportunity to do an extra list potentially on a weekend to allow children to get the crucial surgeries they’d been waiting for,” he said. “We jumped at the opportunity and are incredibly proud of our team, from those who prepared for the day to those who volunteered on a Saturday to make it happen.”
As a result, staff and the private Kaweka Hospital – which opened in Hastings in July 2022, with expected capacity to perform up to 5000 higher-needs surgeries a year including a contract of up to 1200 public health procedures – have enabled nine children to have a brighter future with improved health, happiness and better learning and development outcomes.