ARIES: (March 21 to April 20)
Energy levels might be low but mentally you are sharp and gifted. A
little smooth talking gets you what you want and despite your usual
reluctance to delegate, others happily help with the running around.
TAURUS: (April 21 to May 21)
If the grass looks greener elsewhere, it probably is. You are
heading into a more positive cyclical phase and can pre-plan your
moves with confidence. Certain people bring out the best in you this
GEMINI: (May 22 to June 21)
Intellectual Mercury and tactile Venus have taken up residence in
your communication zone. This augurs well for relationships,
particularly those that have suffered from neglect or absence in
recent times. Pour on the charm and affection.
CANCER: (June 22 to July 23)
Remember that if you engage in a war of words you could come off
second best. There are both wins and losses forecast for your sign
but the best scenario this weekend is to avoid trouble where possible.
LEO: (July 24 to August 23)
During the quiet times fine-tune a short-term plan. Your annual new
Moon occurs on Monday and in the lead-up you can afford to unwind but
not completely shut down. Happier times are around the corner.
VIRGO: (August 24 to September 23)
Moving too far from your comfort zone is not an option this weekend.
You prefer to mix with special people and take on familiar tasks. A
lack of urgency and motivation top off the way you feel.
LIBRA: (September 24 to October 23)
A chance encounter could soon reinvigorate your social or
professional life. Rather than questioning the timing of events,
accept that destiny is doing you an unexpected favour. A lucky break
is long overdue.
SCORPIO: (October 24 to November 22)
Stay in touch with people you care about but work at keeping emotions
on an even keel. Feelings lie just below the surface and can easily
be triggered. Seek freedom within the context of close relationships.
SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 to December 22)
Romantic Venus and expressive Mercury line up in your favour. As a
result, you appear more attractive to others yet approachable at the
same time. You also make wise choices and tie up loose ends.
CAPRICORN: (December 23 to January 20)
If you feel compelled to offer assistance, avoid being drawn into the
centre of someone's web. Keep emotional people at arm's length this
weekend and gently encourage loved ones to take responsibility for
their own actions.
AQUARIUS: (January 21 to February 19)
A change for the better in relationships has come courtesy of
compatible planets. And as the current lunar cycle draws to a close,
you ponder on the fact there is even further room for improvement.
PISCES: (February 20 to March 20)
You might be less motivated than usual but refuse to let others down.
Hence you put extra effort in this weekend and take comfort from the
positive results. Your gentle manner is another highly attractive
The Moon is at its lowest ebb and a quiet day is favoured. Take care
of essential chores but defer non-urgent tasks until energy levels
pick up. Inner spirits are likely to be lifted by the simple
pleasures life has to offer.
Progress might be far from smooth but it will be continual and
exciting. There is room for experimentation in your life and
satisfaction comes from plotting your own course. Others are sure to
hop on board your bandwagon.
Moon in flamboyant Leo usually signals high spirits. But because the
fresh lunar cycle starts tomorrow, there is a subdued vibe today.
During the lull, put the finishing touches to plans and spend some
time on self-indulgent pastimes.
You are well equipped to succeed but still prefer working as part of
a partnership. Fortunately the energy favours teamwork and joint
ventures tackled in upcoming months are likely to reap rewards.
Share both the good and bad times.